Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Birthday Fun

We had a great day celebrating with Camden. Avery and I brought his treat of choice, ice cream bars to have with his class and then Doug brought McDonald's (Camden's lunch choice) to school and we all had lunch together. Late in the afternoon we met good Friends, the Lowell's at Chuck E Cheese for dinner and some over stimulation.
Here's the birthday boy with his class. Sadly 31 in all!

As his class filed out and took a seat at the table, Camden went right over to Avery to greet her. He then announced that he wanted to sit by his sister so everybody scooted down so he could have the seat next to her. He then preceded to feed her. This was a big step for Cam and it melted my heart to see it.

Camden with his best buddies, Rob & Ted.
This was Avery's first visit to such a place. I was a little nervous about how she would react but she did great and wasn't even scared of the dancing, singing characters. In fact, she really seemed to have a great time!

After Chuck's we gave Camden the gifts we had for him. Here's Camden doing a great job sharing his new (cheap) keyboard with his sister. Avery LOVES music and couldn't be kept away.

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