Monday, September 8, 2008

We are getting closer

The China Center of Adoption Affairs matched 9 days of LID's this month which overall feels like a pretty good number. It's funny how you can affect your outlook if you keep your expectations extremely low. But the reality is that 5 of those days most likely had no one logged in as the CCAA was closed for Chinese New Year. But we are getting closer slowly but surely. We are logged in March 13, 2006. The CCAA is currently up to Feb 9, 2006. If you do the math that means there are only 32 more LID's ahead of us. It sounds pretty good, huh? Back in the old days (just a couple of years ago) when the CCAA used to refer around 30 days of LID's each month that would mean that we were within a month or at most two away from receiving a picture of our child. But when the CCAA is referring anywhere from 3 to 9 LID's each month we could still have quite a few months ahead of us. Although for quite awhile I was holding out hope to receive a referral by December and to not once again write in our Christmas newsletter that we are still waiting. Yikes - we have been saying we are a year away from receiving a referral for years now. Anyway, I have come to terms with the fact that it's not going to happen this year and to be honest I am quite at peace with it all. It will happen in God's perfect timing. Our best guesstimate now is March 2009 and I feel pretty confident that if it's not March that it will happen by the end of 2009. So stay tuned...


Jenn said...

Hi there! It's got to be March! I can't imagine it will take any longer than that. I think we're going to have to change some of our lunch get-togethers into shopping sprees. Are you game?

Shannon said...

Shopping? Oh I am always up for that!!!