Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Order Chinese Food in China

Someone posted to one of the many adoption boards that I lurk on about a site that helps westerners order food while in China. Although I like to consider myself to be open to new foods especially when traveling as I truly believe that is a big part of the experience and of course fun. But the possibility of having delicacies such as dog or snake make my stomach turn. We traveled to Thailand a few years ago. The food was absolutely good and cheap! However, they have some delicacies of there own that we tried to steer clear such as roaches and scorpions.

Here are some Chinese snack foods that I am not sure whether or not we will try...

Anyway, I plan to do some serious studying of this site (if time permits). I may even download the pdf and take it with us when we go to China. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I just stumbled onto your blog from Jazmyne Rose's and I think we are traveling cool is that?!?! We are also leaving for China on July 9th through AWAA.

I can't wait to read your blog and get to know you and hopefully actually meet you in Beijing! I love the internet!