Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting on the Referral Rumor Rollercoaster Again

After a few difficult looks like things might be looking up. I hate to get back on the referral rumor roller coaster AGAIN as we have been disappointed so many time before...but I really can't help myself as it looks like there is a very good possibility that we may receive news of our child this week and maybe even later today. There are several agencies saying the cutoff is March 14th, 2006 (and we are March 13th) which means we are in and their is even a report of a Danish agency already receiving referrals. This feels so wild after where we have been these past couple of weeks. We have heard so many different things...things are on hold till June due to the swine flu, things are on hold until September due to the swine Flu and nothing is on hold (even though referrals are 2 1/2 weeks late). It's hard to know what all to believe. But at this point, everything is pointing to seeing our child's face very soon and my pessimistic side is thinking...since Doug and Camden have gone out of state with out me for the first time ever and will be gone a mere 36 hours, this will be when we will receive "the call". Only time will tell...

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